Women in Business: Alex Houghton - Soccer Post


Alex Houghton opened the Soccer Post Birmingham at the beginning of 2016 and has been working diligently to network with the surrounding soccer community. 

Houghton played soccer when she was a child but lost touch with the game until she met her husband, Michael, who grew up in England with a passionate for the sport. He taught her everything she knows about soccer and works as her partner. “He is my inspiration,” she said.

The Soccer Post is a soccer gear shop selling a variety of necessities including youth and adult cleats, replica jerseys, referee gear, goalie gear, training equipment and more.

“We also do team sales and can accommodate small and large teams,” she said. “We have everything each player needs to participate.”

Her primary responsibility as the owner and president is getting the word out about her business. “My goal is to let people know we’re here,” she said. 

Houghton’s overall goal for the Soccer Post is to become an essential part of the soccer community. “We want to be the place people want to come to for all their soccer needs,” she said. “We provide much better service than what you can find online.” 

For Houghton, the best thing about what she does is interacting with customers at her shop. Seeing the players’ excitement when they find the perfect pair of cleats and the nostalgic smiles of their parents motivates her to make her business a success.

► WHERE: 5291 Valleydale Road, Suite 137

► CALL: 783-5556

► WEBSITE: soccerpostbhm.com

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