Women of 280: Mary Anne Turnbull, Kathy Henton, Gini Beth Welch - Expedia Cruiseshipcenters

Mary Anne Turnbull, Kathy Henton and Gini Beth Welch of Expedia CruiseShipCenters work to give clients the vacation of their dreams. 

Expedia CruiseShipCenters offers a variety of services that includes not only planning cruises, but anything travel related, including creating itineraries for land travel, tours, all inclusive reservations, air, hotel and car rentals for groups or individuals. They can book anything travel related for clients and there’s no charge for them to handle it. The cruise lines, hotels and other booking agencies pay the agents individually on commission.

 They derive great satisfaction from the pleasure they bring to clients. They enjoy “providing expert advice and the best value to our customers, helping them to enjoy the experiences with their friends and family members that enrich life. And being there when they need us should any problem arise when they travel,” Turnbull said.

 When clients book with Expedia CruiseShipCenters they get its top 2,000 list, which gets the best prices or deals that are pre-negotiated by Expedia CruiseShipCenter’s group department in Vancouver, providing deeper discounts. “We are here to serve and make travel decisions simpler and more pleasant. Because we are paid by our suppliers and not the client, our services usually save the client money, as well as time and hassle,” said Welch.

 “The fun of working with a team, sharing ideas and insights…and then the joy of hearing about the experiences of my clients when they return from their travel,” makes all of the hard work worthwhile, Turnbull said.

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