Your Health Today: The Grand E


Sometimes, the most well-intentioned New Years resolutions can fade into oblivion before Wal-Mart has even pulled out the Valentine’s candy.  We are now in October and where do you find yourself? Did you just internally sigh in familiar disappoint? Here’s the good news: good decisions and habits don’t only start in January. They can start with every new sunrise. No matter how small a good decision, it is still good. 

Most resolutions revolve around health: losing lingering pesky pounds, eating cleaner and exercising more often.  The secret to motivation has very little to do with external factors and much more to do with a chosen lifestyle based off an unyielding mindset.  It can be summed up in what we call ‘The three D’s of the Grand E’.  This ‘E’ stands for effort; a word our culture has learned to avoid and almost not recognize.  With technology and constant sensory-stimulation, life is constantly adapting and being improved to shave off minutes here and there in the name of an easier, faster and more ‘convenient’ life.  But is this really helping us?  We are slowly required to exert less and less effort throughout the day to cook, be entertained, travel, make purchases, etc. We can shop online for everything from cars to groceries delivered straight to your door. Life requires less and less effort with each advancement in technology.  However, is ‘easier’ always ‘better’?

An effortless lifestyle can easily lead to apathy.  Current disease statistics, despite medical advancements, should be evidence enough that an easier life isn’t always a better one.  The first step of change will always require effort on your part, and the sooner you realize that, the sooner you will see your goals as a reality and not just an unattainable dream.  Your effort may be getting out of bed ten minutes earlier to stretch, and effort for me may be running five extra miles before breakfast.  We are all in different places in our journey towards true wellness, and that is okay! 

Now for the three D’s of the ‘Grand E’.  Drive, Determination and Desire are three parts of one whole that are essential for your growth.  

Desire is step one of lasting change.  You can want to be lean and fit, run a marathon, sleep eight hours a night or be a limber as an Olympic gymnast, but what is the foundation of those goals?  Dig deep and think, “How is my life limited by not accomplishing my goals?” Your desire may be to play on the floor with your grandkids without pain. You may want to be able to eat without stomach pain and bloating.  You may dream of a full day without headaches or migraines. These are deeper motives that will fuel real change. Gain your life back! 

Determination is the focus that is injected into that deeper desire, bringing it to life.   The word determination literally means “resoluteness”.  A resolute mindset is not easily swayed by the first sign of temptation or an easier path.  Find your desire, and fix your eyes ahead.  If you accomplish 30% of your goal, it is 30% more than zero! 

Drive puts your Determined Desire into motion.  Remember, drive implies movement, not speed.  You cannot move forward in any area of life while looking in the rearview mirror.  Just keep moving forward!  Have you tried losing weight in the past and failed? Have you filled your refrigerator with fruits and veggies and good intentions on Monday, only to end up in a drive-thru on Friday? Haven’t we all? Two steps forward and one step back is still forward motion. Be prepared for struggle, resistance, detox and cravings for a past lifestyle.  

October is a great time to take inventory of your goals.  Do not berate yourself for missed deadlines but celebrate your desire for change.  Harness that and press forward.  Every good decision is good, no matter how small it is.  Set one or two attainable goals and stick to them until they become your new default system.  Commit to getting in bed thirty minutes earlier or eat a small salad before your dinner at least five days a week.  Don’t set yourself up for failure with a page full of mile high goals.  Remember, Zechariah 4:10 encourages us “do not despise small beginnings”.  Even the most successful people started with small steps as well.  Join us on October 19th for our wellness workshop.  Give us a call or email ahead to save your seat.  Making health goals affordable is our plan for your 2016! 

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