Buckhorn Valley Estates plan approved by Shelby County Planning Commission


Photo by Lexi Coon.

The Buckhorn Valley Estates master plan was approved at the May 7 meeting for the Shelby County Planning Commission. 

The plan looks at what is currently Buckhorn Ranch, which sits along the east side of Cahaba Valley Road adjacent to the Stone Bridge and Eagle Point subdivision. The working farm is approximately 110 acres, and under the master plan, will contain 18 lots ranging in size between 3.7 and 5.5 acres.

Buckhorn Ranch is zoned A-1, or agriculture residential district, which dictates that each residential lot must be at least 1 acre in size. The zoning will not change under the subdivision.

Senior Planner Sharman Brooks said there are three “distinct areas of topography” within the property: a lowland flood plain area towards the front of the property near Cahaba Valley Road; a midland area in the middle of the property; and ridge tops located just west of the Eagle Point subdivision. Brooks said the midland would be best suited for developments.

The total development area of the master plan is about 77 acres. The remaining acreage is exempt from the master plan and while future development may occur, there are no plans for it at this time, Brooks said.

Skipper Consulting performed a traffic study for the area and said the proposed development has adequate access via Bridge Lane and Bridge Drive to Cahaba Valley Road, although Brooks said the plan proposes to extend Ridge Lane to end in a 2,400-foot cul-de-sac. Because of the size of the development, sidewalks are not required.

Commissioner Bob Land pointed out if there is a need for interconnectivity amongst the subdivisions in the area in the future, any possible roadways would be expensive to construct and could affect the existing traffic report.

The subdivision will be within the North Shelby fire district and will required three fire hydrants, Brooks said. Each plat will be serviced by Birmingham Water Works and have its own septic tank. Any children within the development will attend Oak Mountain schools. Because the property is located in the Cahaba River Basin, it will be subject to MS4 permit requirements later in the subdivision process when individual plat plans are assessed. 

Charlie Beavers, representative of the family, said, “The family is very pleased with this development and very proud of it.” Family members were present for the presentation and no one spoke in opposition of the subdivision.

The planning commission passed the master plan 5-0, with both Amy Smith and Michael O’Kelley absent.

The planning commission passed two additional cases:

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