Council includes resolutions for traffic control signs, agreement for private tax audit services


Leah Ingram

The Chelsea City Council had its second meeting in many weeks due to moving dates around for the 4th of July holiday.

During the pre-council meeting, Mayor Tony Picklesimer said he had reviewed the numbers from the treasurer and that the city operated with a surplus for month of June, even with the expenses from the Big Kaboom and purchasing a piece of equipment for the maintenance department.

Councilman Cody Sumners is working to add another benefit to the employee benefits package: an employee assistance program from American Behavioral. It is the standard for most government agencies and would cover all city employees and COPs as individuals. He passed out information to the council, and they will vote on it at a later time.  

Councilwoman Tiffany Bittner gave an update on the landscaping and lighting for the new Chelsea Library sign, which is a work in progress.

Mayor Picklesimer mentioned the railroad crossing at Mountain Crest at Highway 337 and said the first price is in, and he will bring a proposal to the first meeting in August.

Tonight’s brief agenda during the council meeting included two resolutions.

A motion to pay all the bills to be paid was also approved.

Juan Merriweather and Brett Cobb from the Alabama Forestry Commission of Jefferson County were in attendance at the meeting to present the Mayor with a flag from Tree City USA. This is the city’s 19th year receiving this honor.

In the community forum portion of the meeting, Fire Chief Wayne Shirley spoke about two projects that are coming to completion. They are partnering with the county and 911 for interoperable radio systems. They are in the process of getting all the new walkie talkies in, and programmed will then be transitioning to those. They will give the Chelsea COP’s their old radios for their use.

Chief Shirley also announced that the refurbishment to their oldest fire truck, a 2000 model, was completed and all their trucks are back at the station.

Director of the Citizens Observer Patrol David Cheek stated that volunteers have been back out on patrol recently. They had a meeting after The Big Kaboom and came up with tweaks to make it even better next year.

Before the meeting was adjourned, City Clerk Crystal Etheredge shared a graphic of upcoming dates to remember:

This Thursday, there will be a Farmers Market from 3-7 p.m. in front of City Hall.

Saturday, July 21, is bulk trash pickup for the Chelsea Community.

The Planning Commission meeting will be held July 23 at 6 p.m. at City Hall.

The August council meetings will be held on August 7 and 21 with pre-council at 5:30 p.m. and council at 6 p.m.

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