CVFD Santa neighborhood tour

Photo courtesy of CVFD

The Cahaba Valley Fire District has teamed up with Santa Claus and will be coming through the District neighborhoods for the Annual Santa Tour on Saturday, Dec. 17. 

Please look at the routes provided and see when he will be in your neighborhood. All times and locations are subject to change due to emergency calls and/orinclement weather conditions. Any changes will be updated on our Facebook page,

Should you have any questions please view our parade route on our Facebook page,, their website,, or contact the Cahaba Valley Fire Department at (205) 991-5266 prior to the event and (205) 991-5267 on the day of the event.

CVFD Santa Tour – Route 1

Estimated Arrival Time/Location/Reindeer Pace (minutes)

8am- Kenley Way (15 minutes)

8:20am-The Avenues of Inverness Rental Info Center (5 minutes)

8:30am- The Avenues of Inverness mailboxes  (5 minutes)

8:40am- Cahaba Beach Road (10 minutes)

8:55am- Beach Circle (5 minutes)

9am- Edenton Street/Portabello Road (15 minutes)

9:20am- Lenox Lane / Lenox Drive (10 minutes)

9:30am- The Abbey at Inverness Clubhouse (5 minutes)

9:45am- Eagle Ridge Lane (The Hills of Brook Highland) (5 minutes)

9:55am- Eagle Ridge Drive (Eagle Ridge Apartments) (10 minutes)

10:05am- Eagle Ridge Drive (Eagle Ridge Townes) (10 minutes)

10:15am- Meadow Drive (Clubhouse) (5 minutes)

10:25am- Brook Highland Lane (Mail Station) (5 minutes)

10:35am Stone Brook (All Streets) (15 minutes)

10:50am Magnolia Place (15 minutes)

11am-Calumet Drive (10 minutes)

11:15am- The Retreat at Greystone (15 minutes)

11:30am- Reindeer Rest Break

12:20pm- Brook Highland (All Streets) (90 minutes)

2pm-The Narrows (All Streets) (90 minutes)

3:35pm- Forest Parks 280 (30 minutes)

CVFD Santa Tour – Route 2

8am-Turtle Lake Apartments (10 minutes)

8:15am- Stonecrest Apartments (10 minutes)

8:30am- Eagle Point (60 minutes)

9:30am- Griffin Park (15 minutes)

9:40am- Highland Lakes (3.5 hours)

1:05pm Reindeer Rest Break

2pm- Aaronvale Circle (10 minutes)

2:15pm- Villa Belvedere/Belvedere Cove (15 minutes)

2:35pm- Regent Park (10 minutes)

2:50pm- Highland Village Trail / Kellum Grove (20 minutes)

3:15pm- Mt Laurel/Mt Laurel Ave./Olmsted St. (35 minutes)

3:55pm- Mt Laurel Park (10 minutes)

4:10pm- Old Dunnavant Valley Road (10 minutes)

4:25pm- Dunnavant Place/Birch Creek II (15 minutes)

4:45pm- Birch Creek (10 minutes)

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