Jimme Hale Mission director discusses success, giving thanks


Erica Techo

Erica Techo

Erica Techo

Erica Techo

Erica Techo

Erica Techo

Erica Techo

Erica Techo

Success is derived from many qualities, said Jimmie Hale Mission Executive Director Tony Cooper.

As he addressed the South Shelby Chamber of Commerce at its November luncheon, Cooper listed the characteristics of a successful individual. The goal of success, Cooper said, pertains to all business owners.

“Whether it’s personal success, whether it’s business success, we all have an interest in being successful, to be good at what we do,” Cooper said.

Being successful comes from being trustworthy, loyal and consistent, Cooper said. Those qualities, he said, help customers relate to business owners and build a better bond.

Cooper also said it is important to have good character and integrity. Things have changed over the years, he said, and sometimes someone’s word is not worth what it used to be worth.

As he discussed integrity, Cooper commended the state’s representatives and senators in Washington D.C.

“We are blessed in Washington,” Cooper said. “… We just have some good representatives there.”

Learning and the willingness to learn are also important. Both of those qualities contribute to problem solving, he said, as well as help build relationships.

“None of us are exempt from the problems and adversities and the obstacles and challenges of life,” Cooper said. “The sooner we get that, the more ahead of the game we’re going to be.”

Cooper closed his speech by discussing the importance of being thankful. With Thanksgiving fast approaching, he said recognizing the positive aspects of your life is an important step. It takes someone to give thanks to, something to give thanks for and someone to give thanks, Cooper said.

He also encouraged everyone to reflect on what they can be thankful for in the holiday season, even if they are going through a difficult time. Taking the time to do so is healthy, he said, and can help brighten your mood.

“Just remember, we have something to be thankful for,” Cooper said. “We are a blessed people.”

After Cooper spoke, South Shelby Chamber of Commerce Executive Director April Stone discussed the upcoming Diamond Awards. Nominations for Business of the Year, New Business of the Year and Citizen of the Year will be accepted through Nov. 20. Applications are available online.

The 10th Annual Diamond Awards will be Thursday, Dec. 3 from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. The event is $15 per person and RSVPs are required. To RSVP, email Stone at director@southshelbychamber.com.

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