Plan Chelsea project update given during precouncil meeting


Leah Ingram Eagle

At the Dec. 17 Chelsea City Council pre-council meeting, Samuel Parsons from the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham gave a presentation of the Plan Chelsea project, which wrapped up four months of public involvement.

“We are now in the plan production phase distill info down into actionable steps,” Parsons said. “Our team is cranking some recommendations out from now over the next few months. The next public meeting date is to be decided sometime in late winter, early spring, where we will reveal the plan and you can tell us if we articulated the vision for the future of Chelsea.” 

During the regular council meeting, Mayor Tony Picklesimer gave an invitation for everyone to attend the 20th annual Chelsea Christmas parade this Saturday, Dec. 21 beginning at 10 a.m. The route will follow County Road 47. It should conclude before noon and will be followed by the annual Jingle and Mingle event at the Chelsea Community Center.

In council business, a resolution was approved to accept a quote from Specialty Turf Supply for the removal of turf from the Blackwatch building. The turf was given to the city of Chelsea from Shelby County, who will be taking over the building to create a new complex that will include county services. The turf is in excellent condition and be used on new construction projects in the city, as well as to make upgrades to present facilities. 

A public hearing was held to approve a rezoning request from Jared Properties at the end of Brynleigh Drive from A-R to R-1 was held. The only person to speak was Jerry South, as a representative of Jared Properties. 

The council unanimously voted to approve the request and the 2.543 acres will extend the street at the back of the neighborhood to add four additional residential lots with a cul-de-sac. South said a turn around will be installed and the project should start as soon as the weather permits. 

Council member Tiffany Bittner gave an update on Eli Hairston, who has been in the hospital for over a month after a golf cart injury. She said the recovery is slow, but it has been phenomenal to watch what changes have been made even in the last week. 

“He is talking and recalling things and reading in small segments,” Bittner said. “It’s remarkable to see his improvements.”

Upcoming events include bulk trash day on Jan. 11 and the census kick off on April 1. 

The next council meeting will be held Jan. 7 with pre-council at 5 p.m. and regular council at 6 p.m. 

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