Two Chelsea council members release an alternative to the proposed property tax increase

Leah Ingram Eagle

As the City of Chelsea is currently exploring the possibility of instituting a 12.5 mill property tax on the citizens of the city in order to fund the creation of a city school system, two council members have put together an alternative plan. 

In a joint statement released on April 27, councilmen Casey Morris and Cody Sumners outlined a different plan to the proposed property tax increase. Theirs would not require any additional taxes and and would allow the city to partner with the Shelby County Board of Education (SCBOE) to address the immediate needs of the schools.

“The citizens of Chelsea deserve to know that the taxation option being presented by the mayor is not the only option, nor is it the best option for the City of Chelsea,” Sumners said. 

Morris added, “During these times of unprecedented price increases on everything from energy to baby food, I do not feel comfortable asking our hard-working citizens for more of their paycheck.”

Here is an overview of the their proposal: 

For questions or comments on this proposal, please contact Councilor Morris and/or Councilor Sumners.

Chelsea City Council, Place #1: Cody Sumners:

Chelsea City Council, Place #5: Casey Morris:

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