U-Pick Lyon Blueberry Farm open for berry season


U-Pick Lyon Blueberry Farm had a soft opening on April 6 and has expanded its offerings to include both blueberries and strawberries.

While the blueberries should be ready later in the season, along with some tomatoes, the strawberries are ready to pick.  

Anyone who comes out to pick is welcome to bring a blanket for a picnic on the property. But remember, this is an active farm, so please keep an eye on small children. Also, bring bug repellent and lots of water to stay hydrated.

For daily updates, visit facebook.com/Lyonblueberryfarm.

Lyon Blueberry Farm,1700 County Road 56, Wilsonville, Ala. 35186

Hours:7-Days a week from 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Prices--Both strawberries and blueberries are $25 per gallon, $20 per three quarter gallon.  Farm provides the picking buckets. He also has pre-picked buckets for $5 extra. 

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