LPMS students celebrate announcement of Newbery Award

More than 70 sixth-grade students gathered in the Liberty Park Middle School Library on Feb. 4 to celebrate the announcement of the 2015 Newbery Award.  

Students enjoyed piping hot waffles and garnishes prepared and served by the school’s PTO.  Students visited the library earlier in the year to learn about the Newbery Award and to select an award-winning book to read. 

To qualify for this special breakfast, the students had a wide range of choices for projects. They created book trailers using iMovie, CD covers with a song list of songs that they thought related to their book, video monologues of their favorite book character or they rewrote the ending of their book. 

Jean Deal, LPMS’s librarian, coordinated the event with sixth-grade language arts teachers Linda Rummell, Amy Woodard and Jenny Williams.

-Submitted by Linda Rummell

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