School supply drive set for July 23 at Veterans Park


Photo by Erica Techo.

A school supplies drive to take place on Saturday, July 23, from 8:30-11 a.m. at Veterans Park on Valleydale Road, hosted by the Shelby County Democratic Party.

Items specifically requested are pens, pencils, erasers, crayons, colored pencils, markers, glue sticks, three and five subject spiral notebooks, composition notebooks, copy paper, graph paper, lined index cards, 1.5-2 inch binders, 3-prong plastic binders, dividers, tissues, hand sanitizer, backpacks, calculators, earbuds and flash drives.

The supplies collected will be distributed by Shelby Emergency Assistance. The organization serves as a lifeline to people in the county who have short-term and long-term needs.

Dr. Marsha Sturdevant, Chair of the Shelby County Democratic Party, said the first day of school is a big occasion for many youngsters, and she doesn't want any child to feel unprepared or disappointed.

Leslie Tyus, who chairs the Public Relations Committee for the Shelby County Democratic Party, said many families are struggling right now, and they want to help every child have what they need for school on day one.

Sturdevant said she appreciates all the generous people, Democrats or not, who have shown up for past donation drives and provided truckloads of goods that have made many people’s lives a little better. 

Donated items can be dropped off at Veterans Park July 23 between 8:30-11 a.m. under the a with the Shelby Democrats banner.

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