Shelby County students recognized for artwork


Leah Ingram Eagle

Students throughout Shelby County Schools had their works displayed for the Superintendent’s Art Show on April 21 at the Shelby County Instructional Services Center. 

The event was held before the regularly scheduled Shelby County Board of Education Meeting.

Michelle Hall, Fine Arts and Library Media Supervisor spoke during the meeting and recognized the students and art teachers for the amazing job that they do. 

“This past month was arts in our school's month, and we've been celebrating all kinds of things,” Hall said. “We had our elementary honor choir, and over 600 people came out to the Shelby County Arts Council’s Grande Hall to celebrate music with our students. This year, every one of our high school and middle school bands participated in state music performance assessment and every school received a superior rating. We are super proud of our band programs, our theater programs the same way."

For the Superintendent’s Art Show, each school could submit four pieces of art. A top three, plus honorable mention, were chosen. From those, 20 pieces are chosen to go to the state competition. There, winners are picked from every school in the state. This year, Shelby Co had three students place in the state level, including Oak Mountain Elementary’s Bentley Lumpkin, who received second place. 

“I want to thank our board members,” Hall said.” Over 70% of the elementary schools in the state have cut art and music from their elementary programs, but this board finds value in what the fine arts bring into the school and to the children. We are so thankful that not only do they give us art and music teachers, but allow us to do things like this.”

During his superintendent’s report, Dr. Lewis Brooks spoke about a group he is part of called the Alabama Transformational Leadership Academy. Made up of superintendent’s from across the state, they come together and talk about ways to make education better and some of the great things happening in their districts. Brooks had all of the district leaders stand and be recognized. 

“One of the things we talked about in our last meeting was the role of sept and the role of his colleagues and how interdisciplinary teams work together to make the district a great place,” Brooks said. “All of our departments work together as an interdisciplinary unit. These are the things I believe are the intrinsic motivation of this group of individuals: a love of the work itself, a love of working with children, doing the work because it is interesting, enjoying, satisfying, engaging, and personally challenging We all have an intrinsic motivation to do the right things for you children. I wanted to recognize these people tonight so you know they are working hard and diligently every day for your students and I love and appreciate each and every one of them.”

Items approved by the board included:

The next meeting of the Shelby County Board of Education will be held May 5 at 5 p.m. at the Shelby County Instructional Services Center in Alabaster. 

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