Photo by Madison Miller.
Elements Float Spa
Kristine LeMay, Kele Sparrowhawk and Victoria Robbins stand outside their new space for Elements Float Spa.
Elements Float Spa
4852 Cahaba River Road
After Victoria Robbins, Kristine LeMay and Kele Sparrowhawk visited their first float spa in Atlanta, they each had the same thought.
“Everybody needs to feel this good,” Sparrowhawk said.
The three friends decided to make the concept local by opening Elements Float Spa on Cahaba River Road, the first float spa in the state.
The three friends’ location will focus on the use of Flotation REST (reduced environmental stimuli therapy.) The spa is outfitted with several rooms containing float pods. Each pod is filled with about 10 inches of filtered water and 800 pounds of Epsom salt. The solution’s high density makes it impossible for customers not to float, giving the experience a similar feeling to those who visit the Dead Sea, LeMay said.
Pods are designed in a round shape to prevent the space from feeling claustrophobic. Customers can choose to close the pod and float in total darkness or leave the pod open. Ambient lighting is also available and each pod has a plug in for customers to listen to music while they float.
Flotation as a relaxation tool was first developed in the 1950s by neuroscientist Dr. John Lilly. The tanks were first called sensory deprivation tanks and Lilly discovered that patients were able to achieve a higher level of relaxation by floating without any muscle strain.
“All day you don’t know how much you’re getting bombarded,” Sparrowhawk said. “[It’s good to] pull away from life and examine things about yourself.”
Some mental benefits include eliminating stress and fatigue, combating insomnia, improving focus and concentration and increasing dopamine production. LeMay said that she has seen the treatment used in many people, from general enthusiasts to veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or lawyers studying for the bar exam.
Along with mental benefits, many people float for physical benefits. After experiencing a broken neck several years ago, LeMay often struggles with pain. She found comfort while floating and experiences less pain for several days after a float.
Floating is also said to improve circulation, help with weight loss and anti-aging and reduce high blood pressure.
“There are a lot of individual experiences, but whatever you get will be positive,” Sparrowhawk said.
Elements Float Spa will also offer an infrared sauna treatment, which will be customizable for customers to pick which benefits they would prefer. Customers will be able to choose between sauna treatments that promote detoxification, relaxation, anti-aging, cardio, weight loss, pain relief and more.
For more information, visit elementsfloatspa.com.