Photo by Erin Nelson Sweeney.
The Chelsea City Council approved two new electric vehicle charging stations at the Splash Pad at Melrose Park at the council's meeting on Sept. 17.
The Chelsea City Council approved the construction of two electric vehicle charging stations to be located at Melrose Park on Chelsea Road. Chelsea Mayor Tony Pickelsimer said funding for the electric charging stations is made possible by grants from Innovate Alabama, a state-wide public-private initiative focusing on entrepreneurship, technology and innovation.
“I’m really excited to be part now of this Innovate Alabama system. This charging station will be funded completely with these grant dollars,” Pickelsimer said.
Following the unanimous vote approving the charging stations, Pickelimer said he and the City Council will meet with Innovate Alabama representatives during the next regular meeting on Tuesday, October 1 to discuss projects eyed for possible funding in the city’s 2024-25 budget.
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey established the Alabama Innovation Commission in July 2020 to elevate the state to spur innovation and create a more dynamic economy through innovation.
In other actions, the City Council approved a rezoning request from homebuilder Glenn Siddle of Heritage Pines, LLC for property located north-northeast of 4584 Chelsea Road, Columbiana, from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to E-1 (Single Family Estate District).
Mayor Pickelsimer and the City Council also recognized a proclamation declaring Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week.
The next Chelsea City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 1, 6 p.m., at Chelsea City Hall.