Screenshot by Leah Ingram Eagle
Chelsea City Council 11/3
Chelsea City Council 11/3
During the Nov. 3 Chelsea City Council meeting, Mayor Tony Picklesimer spoke about the playground at Melrose Park and the ribbon cutting that was held the day before.
“The playground is officially open,” he said. “It’s spectacular and I want to commend city engineer Keith Hager for his work on it and the vision he had for it to be as big and special as it is. It is the largest playground in Shelby County by far and the reason we were able to build something this big and nice is because the Shelby County Commission made a large donation to our project and we really appreciate the cooperation we have with them.”
Jim Medley, director of development at King’s Home spoke about the special event they are hosting next weekend. Kampfire for the King will take place on Nov. 14 on the main campus at King’s Way Drive in Chelsea. The goal to bring awareness and funding to the King's Home through the Randy Howell boat giveaway. (Read the preview article for the event here).
The council approved three Nick Grant Awards for Chelsea schools.
- $13,500 to Chelsea High School for their band and equipment to purchase a new Polaris Ranger Crew to carry their equipment around and also a trailer to carry the buggy around.
- $15,000 to Chelsea High School for the science lab to purchase 8 advanced microscopes with screen displays and 8 ocular microscopes.
- $21,099.32 to Chelsea Middle School to purchase lockers for the field house. The city partnered with the Shelby County Board of Education to rebuild it after a fire destroyed the field house a few years ago. A new locker room has been built and this grant will pay for the lockers in it.
Other resolutions approved by the council were:
- The reappointment of Mary Robertson to the Library Board.
- To accept a quote and authorize payment for special bulk trash pick-up by Republic Services.
“We did have quite a number of trees down in the city as a result of Hurricane Zeta and a recommendation was made to me by a council member that we contract with Republic Services and help our citizens get some of the trees and debris that were blown down removed,” Picklesimer said. “I appreciate the council taking care of our citizens that way.”
- To assume the responsibility of streets in the Adams Mill Subdivision (Adams Mill Drive and Laura Lane) and release the bonds associated with these streets.
- To declare property as surplus and authorize its donation
- Approval of City of Chelsea Bills to be paid (with two exceptions)
A public hearing was held to approve a rezoning request from The Sproul Company of Alabama, Inc. for 34 acres of property located at 11880 Highway 11, Chelsea from A-R (Agricultural-Residential) to PRD (Planned Residential District).
Two residents from Brynleigh Estates spoke about how they would be affected by the rezonings and the developer, Robert Sproul, answered questions from them and the council.
The council unanimously voted to approve the ordinance.
City attorney Mark Boardman gave a first reading of an ordinance to update the city’s business license codes for 2020 and subsequent years to bring the city up to the standard of our surrounding cities. The council will vote on it at their next meeting.
During the community reports, Emily Sims said the Chelsea Library is hosting a food drive to benefit Heavenly Smiles and they will waive account fees for items donated.
Chelsea Fire Chief Joe Lee encouraged those who receive fire dues to pay them.
Community Center Director Jane Ann Mueller said there were over 600 kids in fall sports and 400 signed up for basketball. She said membership is at 1,843 down from a normal 2,000-2,400.
"The numbers are a little down during to COVID," she said. "Classes are being offered and are up and running."
Dates to remember
Nov. 11: City offices closed for Veteran’s Day
Nov. 14: Friends of the Library used book sale (10 a.m.- 2:30 p.m.)
Nov. 17: City Council meeting (Precouncil at 5 p.m. and Council at 6 p.m.)
Nov. 23: Chelsea Planning Commission meeting (6 p.m.)
Jan. 9: Next bulk trash pick up day