Screenshot by Leah Ingram Eagle
Chelsea Council 11.17
Chelsea Council 11.17
At the Nov. 17 Chelsea city council meeting, Mayor Tony Picklesimer began his mayor’s report by discussing the previous week’s ribbon cutting of the playground at Melrose Park.
“We had a great celebration and ribbon cutting and are so thankful for Shelby County and for all that took part in the construction and design of the playground,” Picklesimer said. “It’s spectacular. Everywhere I go, people tell me their kids say thank you.”
The city also held a community wide COVID-19 testing in conjunction with Golden Point Labs on Nov. 15 at Liberty Baptist Church. One hundred thirty people signed up to be tested and the mayor said it went very smoothly.
The following resolutions were approved:
- To reappoint Planning Commission members Scott Weygand and Crystal Etheredge.
- To reappoint Tiffany Bittner as the council liaison to the library board for another four-year term.
- To accept the lowest bid for the Chelsea Sports Complex II - Sports Lighting Installation Project from S&G Waldrep Electric, Inc. for $50,000.
- To accept a quote from Iconic Custom Carts & Accessories, LLC for $7,564.57.
- To award Nick Grant funds to Chelsea Middle School for $636.
An ordinance was also approved to amend the city’s business license code.
During the community report, Community Center Program Director Jane Ann Mueller gave an update on the youth basketball program. Practices begin next week and games begin in January. Five hundred thirty kids registered to play and will be divided into 68 teams.
“It’s exciting to have that many of our Chelsea kids in the program,” Mueller said.
Mueller also discussed the Santa Extravaganza that will take place Dec. 19 from noon to 2 p.m., following the Chelsea Christmas parade. The event, which usually draws over 500 children and families, will look a little different this year. It will include musical performances by Santa, Cinderella and a jazz band.
Librarian Dana Polk shared that a donation was made in memory of former Fire Chief Wayne Shirley, which she used to purchase several fire safety books. The library is also extending their food drive amnesty program through this week. Donations will go to Heavenly Smiles and the library will waive fines up to $5 per visit. Santa will also visit the library on Saturday, Dec. 5 from 1-4 p.m. and visitors can sign up for a time slot.
Interim Fire Chief Joe Lee has hired some new staff and said the Station 33 rescue truck and engine are now staffed and making calls.
Dates to remember
Dec. 1: City Council
Dec. 15: City Council
Jan. 9: Bulk trash pickup day