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Joshua (left) and Daniel Cochrane were surprised with the chance to shoot the first official arrows at the Oak Mountain State Park archery park grand opening.
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Erica Techo
A ribbon cutting at the Oak Mountain State Park archery park grand opening.
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Erica Techo
Jimmy Primos, a member of the Archery Trade Association board of directors, speaks at the Oak Mountain State Park archery park grand opening.
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Erica Techo
County Manager Alex Dudchock speaks at the Oak Mountain State Park archery park grand opening.
Oak Mountain State Park surprised two visitors with the opportunity to shoot the first official arrows in its new archery park.
While the archery park’s grand opening was Aug. 4, visitors have already started using the facilities.
“Even though it hasn’t been officially opened yet, some of the targets had to be replaced this morning because of so much use already,” said Chuck Sykes, director of the division of wildlife and freshwater fisheries. “I think this is going to be a great addition to the park.”
Joshua and Daniel Cochrane came to practice archery at the park this morning, and they were asked to fire the first arrow.
“We have two teenagers behind me that until 30 minutes ago, they were just coming to see the park, and they also have shot here at the range,” said County Manager Alex Dudchock. “They’re participating in it, they had no idea of that.”
Jimmy Primos, a member of the Archery Trade Association board of directors, said the park’s close proximity to large population will help introduce visitors to archery and benefit the area economically.
Oak Mountain State Park is the state’s largest park as well, said director of the Alabama State Parks Division Greg Lein. He hopes the park will help bring people from archery to other activities, such as bow hunting.
“This park is one of our greatest opportunities of interfacing with the public, so when it comes to the mission that we have and the partnering that we undertake with the many interested groups that have a passion and a shared mission for outdoor recreation and conservation of natural resources … Oak Mountain State Park is a great place to deliver on all of those great things,” Lien said.
An archery park brings the opportunity to host competitions, bringing visitors to hotels, restaurants and other businesses around the area.
“We’re not only here about recreation. We’re here about the bottom line of business and a good healthy economy,” Dudchock said.
This park is the state’s 11th archery park. It includes eight adult targets ranging from 15-50 yards, eight youth targets ranging from 5-20 yards and a four-target range from 10-40 yards. There is also a 3D target range and an elevated platform.
“This is one of the few times that I can stand in front of a crowd and say that Alabama is leading the way in actually being a model for other states, and that’s with these archery parks,” Sykes said.
Oak Mountain State Park Archery Park Grand Opening
Oak Mountain State Park celebrated the grand opening of its archery park on Tuesday, Aug. 4. Members of county and state organizations attended the ceremony.