Erica Techo
Shelby County Planning Commission
The Shelby County Planning Commission approved a resubdivision of lots in Shoal Creek at its Nov. 2 meeting.
The request was submitted by Caroline T. Little, president of Thompson Realty Inc. and took four lots and divided them into 10 residential lots. The resubdivision was continued from the Commission’s Sept. 21 meeting so that Little would have more time to address engineering concerns regarding road changes.
Little previously came before the commission for an amendment to the Shoal Creek master plan. The amendment, which allowed for the creation of cottage-style housing in the Hamlets at Shoal Creek, was approved at the July 20 meeting.
No one spoke for or against Little’s request, and it was approved by the commission.
The commission also approved a resubdivision in Columbiana, dividing an 18.23-acre property off of Highway 77 into two residential lots. No one spoke for or against the request.
Another resubdivision was approved off of Highway 55. The request to divide the 10.58-acre property into two residential lots was approved.
The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Nov. 16 at 6 p.m.