SafeHouse of Shelby County is bringing back #SafeHouseStrong Virtual 5K next month for the second year.
Participants can run or walk the distance at their own pace at the time and location of their choosing between Aug. 19-22 on a treadmill, park or neighborhood street.
Participants are encouraged to use the hashtag #SafeHouseStrong while training and during their virtual walk or run. Signup can be done online at
Funds raised will go to directly to support SafeHouse, an organization that is dedicated to providing critical domestic and sexual violence response, prevention and intervention programs for the communities of Shelby, Coosa, Clay, and Chilton Counties in Central Alabama.
The full-service domestic violence and sexual assault response center has been assisting victims since 1989. Their services include emergency shelter, sexual assault forensic exams, counseling, case management, legal advocacy and community education. All services are provided at no cost.
For additional information contact Elishua Markham at 205-378-2922 or SafeHouse is also on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok- @safehouseshelby.