The Shelby Humane Society’s annual ornament sale has kicked off and will continue through the holiday season.
Each ornament has a decorative frame containing a photo of a Shelby Humane Society dog who is awaiting transport with the Shelby Humane Society Shelter Partner program. This program takes dogs from the over-populated Shelby County shelter to less-populated shelters in Northern states.
The ornaments cost $60 each, and proceeds from the ornament sale go toward transporting dogs through the Shelter Partner program.
The Shelby Humane Society’s shelter is heavily over-populated, and these partner shelters have more room for pets because of legislation that controls the pet population through spay/neuter laws and enforcement of leash laws, according to a press release from the Shelby County group.
The dogs are transferred by volunteers, who drive the Shelter Partners van for two or three days to deliver pets to other shelters.
Since 2006, the Shelby Humane Society Shelter Partner program has transported 8,000 dogs, and most dogs are placed with adoptive families within a few days of becoming available for adoption.
The sale ends on Jan. 3. Ornaments are for sale at Whole Foods Market and Hollywood Feed in Cahaba Village, Valleydale Animal Clinic, the Lee Branch Hollywood Feed store, Pampered Pet Resort on Parkway Lake Drive, Patton Chapel Animal Clinic, Oak View Animal Hospital and Valleydale Animal Clinic. They are also available online at