Photo courtesy of Camille Fink.
King’s Home Board Chairman and Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) member Forrest DeBuys presented the grant check to King’s Home President, Lew Burdette.
The Million Dollar Round Table (MDRT) Foundation has awarded a $5,000 grant to the King’s Home as seed money towards funding a new 18 passenger van.
“King’s Home provides transportation to about 300 residents each year,” said Lew Burdette, President, King’s Home. “Needless to say, we really rack up the miles (250,000 plus) transporting youth, women and children to doctor’s appointments, school, work and etc. We are so thankful to foundations like MDRT who help towards meeting this overwhelming need, keeping our residents safe and secure while they ride.”
For over 46 years King’s Home (formerly King’s Ranch and Hannah Home) has been home to hundreds of youth, women and children seeking refuge, hope, and help from domestic violence, neglect, abandonment, homelessness, and other difficult circumstances. The King’s Home offers loving support and a residential, home-like setting for women and mothers and children so that their lives can be transformed and the cycle of abuse and violence can truly be broken. Residents who become part of the “King’s Home Family” are provided food, housing, medical expenses, educational support, counseling, and childcare in a safe, secure, and nurturing environment.
Since its formation in 1959, the MDRT Foundation has granted more than USD 30 million to charitable organizations serving people in 72 countries and all 50 U.S. states. MDRT Foundation makes a huge impact on this world and King’s Home is blessed and honored to have received their generosity and support.
Submitted by Camille Fink.