Photo courtesy of Double Oak Community Church.
Students enjoy VBS at Double Oak Community Church last summer.
Asbury United Methodist Church
- 6690 Cahaba Valley Road
- 995-1700
- asburyonline.org
- June 8-11, 8:30 a.m.-noon.
- G-Force: Four days of living out God’s love in our lives.
Christ Church United Methodist
- 5091 Caldwell Mill Road
- 991-5065
- christchurchtv.org/events
- June 1-4, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Everest: Learn to conquer challenges with God’s mighty power.
- Open to rising kindergarteners through fifth graders.
Double Oak Community Church
- 115 Olmstead Street
- 995-9752
- doubleoakcc.org/vbs
- June 8-12, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Everest: Learn to conquer challenges with God’s mighty power.
- Open to kids who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade.
Chelsea Creek Community Church
- 48 Chesser Crane Road, #K
- 678-2406
- chelseacreekcc.org
- June 15-19, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Everest: Learn to conquer challenges with God’s mighty power.
- Open to kindergarten to fifth grade.
Faith Presbyterian Church
- 4601 Valleydale Road
- 991-5430
- faith-pca.org/art-science-camp
- June 1-4, 9 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
- Art and Science Camp: Get ready to create and investigate at art and science camp this summer.
- Open to kindergarten to sixth grade.
First Christian Church
- 4954 Valleydale Road
- 991-5000
- fcc-bhm.org
- July 13-17, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Everest: Learn to conquer challenges with God’s mighty power.
- Open to kids age 3 through completed fifth grade.
Inverness Vineyard Church
- 4733 Valleydale Road
- 980-1690
- groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/IVCkids/gpgs/Home.aspx
- June 1-5, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
- Everest: Kids will walk away with a rock-solid faith that they can rely on God when life gets tough.
- Open to rising kindergarten through fifth grade.
Liberty Park Baptist Church
- 12001 Liberty Parkway
- 969-1236
- libertypark.org/vbs
- June 1-5, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Journey Off the Map: Toss the map, stick close to your guide and prepare to listen to God’s direction.
- Open to children who will be 4 by Sept. 1 to children who have completed fifth grade my May 31.
Meadow Brook Baptist Church
- 4984 Meadow Brook Road
- 991-8384
- meadowbrookbaptist.org
- June 1-5, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Journey Off the Map: Prepare to listen to God’s direction.
- Open to kids who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade.
MountainView Baptist Church
- 1800 Highway 39
- 601-6986
- mountainview.cc
- July 7-9, 5:30-8 p.m.
- MountainView Baptist Church VBS.
- Come ready to have fun.
- Open to ages 4-12.
North Shelby Baptist Church
- 4100 Belcher Drive
- 995-9056
- northshelbybaptist.org
- June 15-19, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Son Spark Labs. Discover God’s plan for you.
- Open to kids who have completed kindergarten through fifth grade.
Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church
- 5080 Cahaba Valley Trace
- 995-9265
- ompc.org
- June 1-4, 9 a.m.-noon.
- Scar Force VBS: From Genesis to Revelation, kids will discover that they are part of the greatest saga of all time.
- Open to kids who have completed kindergarten through fourth grade.
The Church at Brook Hills
- Various Birmingham neighborhoods
- 313-7745
- brookhills.org/local/children/rocktheblock.html
- June 1-July 3:
- Rock the Block Summer: Children will attend these four or five day events for a couple of hours enjoying games, building relationships and encouraging the Gospel together with other neighborhood children.
- Open to first through fifth graders with younger or older siblings welcome.