(Map provided by Hoover City Schools)
Hoover City Schools rezoning map August 2014.jpg
This map shows current attendance zones for Hoover elementary schools in different colors. The areas highlighted in red are areas previously targeted for rezoning in August 2014, but no current plan has yet been developed.
Hoover schools Superintendent Kathy Murphy has scheduled five community meetings over the next two months to discuss the need to redraw school attendance zones in some parts of Hoover, school officials announced today.
No specific rezoning plan for Hoover City Schools has been developed yet, so no maps or proposals will be shared, according to a post on the school system website. Parents and residents are welcome to share any questions or comments they may have, school officials said. People are being asked to attend the meeting specific to their school for space reasons, but anyone is welcome to attend any of the meetings, Murphy said.
Here is the meeting schedule:
- Tuesday, Oct. 6 – Meeting for Brock’s Gap Intermediate School will be at the school at 1730 Lake Cyrus Club Drive at 6:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Oct. 8 – Meeting for Trace Crossings and South Shades Crest elementary schools, Bumpus Middle School and Hoover High School will be at Hunter Street Baptist Church at 2600 John Hawkins Parkway at 6:45 p.m.
- Monday, Oct. 19 – Meeting for Deer Valley Elementary School will be at the school at 4990 Ross Bridge Parkway at 6:30 p.m.
- Tuesday, Nov. 3 – Meeting for Bluff Park, Green Valley and Gwin elementary schools and Simmons Middle School will be at Green Valley Baptist Church at 1815 Patton Chapel Road at 6:30 p.m.
- Thursday, Nov. 12 – Meeting for Greystone, Riverchase, Rocky Ridge and Shades Mountain elementary schools, Berry Middle School and Spain Park High School will be at Metropolitan Church of God at 2800 Metropolitan Way at 7 p.m.
This article was updated at 4:41 p.m. on Oct. 7 to move the meeting date for people in the Shades Mountain Elementary School zone from Nov. 3 to Nov. 12, per a change by Hoover school officials.