Dr. Kathy Murphy
Hoover schools Superintendent Kathy Murphy
Hoover schools Superintendent Kathy Murphy is scheduled to give an update on the state of the Hoover school system Thursday at the Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce luncheon.
Murphy also will be presenting the 2015 Hoover City Schools Employee of the Year Award, given annually to a school system employee who is not in a teaching position.
The luncheon is scheduled for noon at the Hyatt Regency Birmingham – The Wynfrey Hotel, with networking beginning at 11:15 a.m. People without reservations can still attend if there is still seating available. The cost is $20 for people with reservations and $22 for those without reservations.
Murphy started her job as superintendent for Hoover City Schools in June. Prior to that, she served as superintendent for Monroe County Schools for four years and as an administrative assistant to the Butler County superintendent for two years.
She spent seven years as a high school principal (Charles Henderson and Greenville high schools) and nine years as principal at Greenville Middle School. She also taught eight years as a college professor at Judson College and West Georgia College.