0613 LPMS UN
Sixth, seventh and eighth grade Liberty Park Middle School students participate at the 22nd Junior United Nations Assembly.
Recently, 27 Liberty Park middle school students participated in the 22nd Junior United Nations Assembly.
Sixth grade teams represented the countries of Kenya and Colombia. The Kenyan topic was worldwide water and sanitation problem, and the Colombia topic was child soldiers.
Seventh and eighth grade teams represented the countries of Estonia, Thailand and Ireland. The Estonia topic was decreasing school dropout rates. The Thailand topic was protecting the endangered Maylayan Tigers and the Ireland topic was the worldwide child abuse problem.
Students worked in teams to write resolutions, persuasive speeches and 30-second summaries. They also designed costumes, made flags and created display boards to showcase their country and their country’s problem. The Assembly was held at Birmingham-Southern College.
Sixth grade participants on the Kenya team were: Frances Fowler, Alison Levine, Elizabeth Meeks, Robyn Sanders, Arlana Spencer, Beth Studdard and Grace Uldrich. Sixth grade participants on the Colombia team were: Bryce Hutchinson, Whit McDaniel, Campbell Miller, Eric Schroeder and Ian Schultz.
Seventh and eighth grade participants were: Ireland – Rachael Brooks, Chandler Clemmons, Bess Gordon, Nate Gordon and Ellie Wright; Thailand – Caitlin Crane, Grayson Gale, Lauren Laughlin, Kanely Lemke and Alayna Priebe; Estonia – Laurel Coomes, Emma Fox, Ella Guven, Samantha Jesse and Kaitlyn Munger.