0113 purplestride
Friends and of Kathryn Brekle, from the Mt Laurel community, participate in the PurpleStride Birmingham 2012. Photo courtesy of Beth Ansley.
Kathryn Brekle, a third-grade teacher at Mt Laurel Elementary School, lost her mom to pancreatic cancer two years ago. Since then, she has been increasingly involved with the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network to help raise support and awareness for this terrible disease.
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network will hold the 5K run/walk, PurpleStride Birmingham 2013, on Feb. 23, 2013. Friends and coworkers of Brekle from the Mt Laurel community have formed a team called Mt Laurel PanCan.
The team is hoping to have at least 20 members participate. To join the Mt Laurel team or to donate to this great cause, please email Beth Ansley at bansley@shelbyed.k12.al.us or visit the PurpleStride Birmingham 2013 homepage and search for the team Mt Laurel PanCan.
For more, visit purplestride.kintera.org/birmingham2013/