Photo courtesy of Chelsea High School - Shelby County Schools.
Chelsea High School's Healthcare Academy and HOSA-Future Health Professionals chapter's Banner Parade submission highlighting HOSA's 2023 international theme "Beyond All Limits" and showcasing some of the chapter maccomplishments/activities so far this school year.
39 students from Chelsea High School's Healthcare Academy and HOSA-Future Health Professionals chapter recently competed in 12 different medical events such as Veterinary Science, CPR/First Aid, and Medical Law & Ethics at the 2023 Alabama HOSA State Leadership Conference in Montgomery.
The following students won awards that qualified for the international competition in Dallas coming up in June.
- Cassidy Reynolds: Elected 2023-2024 Alabama HOSA State President representing 12,000+ members, State Champion in Health Career Photography
- Alyssa Abbott: Second place in medical reading
The Barbara James Service Award for 70+ hours of medical related community service since June 2022 was presented to:
- Alyssa Abbott
- Abby Hibbs
- Elizabeth Moreland
- Theresa Nguyen
- Cassidy Reynolds
The Top 50 in Healthcare Issues Exam was presented to:
- Carsyn Polk, Top 6
- Izzy Seymour, Top 6
- MaKenzie Key
- Kaleigh Carmack
- Abbie Deems
- Alyssa Abbott
- Katelyn Shirley
- Abby Guy
- Alana McCulla
- Jamie Holsombeck
- Jaydah Bearden
- Savannah Clayton
- Brant Joffrion
The following chapter awards were earned:
- Give Me 10 Award: 10 member increase since last school year
- HOSA 100 Award: 100% of Health Science students are HOSA members
- HOSA National Service Project Award: Over $250.00 was raised for HOSA's national service project, Be the Match
In addition, seven Chelsea HOSA members, who are also Student Organ Donation Advocates (SODA) members, joined Legacy of Hope officials Dr. LaToya Bishop and Mr. Jarryd Keene at the vendor fair to educate hundreds of conference attendees on the importance of organ, eye, and tissue donation registration: Elizabeth Moreland, Jaydah Bearden, Jamie Holsombeck, Daniela De Rugama, Madi Glass, Juliana Zatta, and Carsyn Polk.
Because of their efforts, two new organ donors were added to the national registry and 31 HOSA chapters were inspired to explore starting SODA chapters of their own.
Chelsea High School's SODA chapter was the first established in the state of Alabama in the Spring of 2021. Since then, two other high school chapters and 2 college chapters have been established at Oak Mountain High School, Greenville High School, the University of Alabama, and the University of Alabama at Birmingham.
Submitted by Andrea Maddox, Chelsea High School