Bragan Feldman officially announced her candidacy for the Shelby County School Board, Place 1, in January. Feldman attended Shelby County Schools and graduated from Chelsea High School.
Feldman went on to get her bachelor’s degree in communication from Auburn University, with concentrations in business and political science. Feldman is a Chelsea resident, and her husband Zack Feldman is a Shelby County teacher. Their two children, Grier and Barrett, are in Shelby County Schools.
“As the daughter of a retired Shelby County teacher, the wife of a Shelby County teacher, mother of two in Shelby County Schools and a business woman heavily vested in Shelby County, my heart has always been in our education system,” Feldman said. “I see this as an opportunity for me to serve my community and our schools.”
Feldman has worked in media relations with the Cleveland Indians organization, interned in Gov. Bob Riley’s media office, interned with NBC 13 sports, publisher relations and Main Street Alabama. She is the administrator for Meadow Brook Baptist Church’s School of Fine Arts.
For more information, email Feldman atbraganfeldman@gmail.com.
‒ Submitted by Bragan Feldman.
Courtney Kalnoske has also qualified to run for Place 1.
To have a campaign announcement posted on 280 Living, email community editor Erica Techo at erica@starnespublishing.com.