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The Hoover school system is holding two public hearings this week for people to see details and ask questions about the school district’s proposed budget for fiscal 2021, which begins Oct. 1.
School officials are proposing to spend $211 million in fiscal 2021 while taking in only $193 million in revenues and about $750,000 from other sources, according to the budget proposal on the school system’s website.
If the budget is approved as proposed, school officials would pull $16.8 million from the district’s fund balance (savings) to pay for the rest of the expenses, which include $18.3 million in capital projects.
Overall planned expenses of $211 million are $6 million greater than the $205 million approved in the 2020 budget. For the general fund, expenses are expected to climb from $153 million in 2020 to almost $157 million in 2021.
The full proposed 2021 budget is available on the school district’s website and will be discussed in much more detail at the public hearings.
The first public hearing is Wednesday at 8 a.m., and the second is Thursday at 4:30 p.m. Both hearings are scheduled for the Farr Administration Building at 2810 Metropolitan Way.
The school board is expected to vote on the 2021 budget in a separate meeting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday.