The City of Chelsea has begun planning a new sports complex to be built next to Chelsea High School. The city has purchased 90 acres of land and begun moving dirt for the new complex, which is being designed by Spencer Engineering.
The first stage of construction will be eight new baseball fields. One three-field complex will serve teams from T-ball to 12-year-olds, and the other set of five fields will be used by every age from T-ball to high school. City Council member David Ingram said the baseball fields are the first priority because Chelsea currently has four fields for between 400 and 450 kids every summer.
Ingram said the new fields will relieve overcrowding on current facilities and help with scheduling games and practice times for Chelsea teams. The complex could also be used as a future home for tournaments.
“It’ll put Chelsea on the map from a tournament standpoint,” Ingram said. “Having a first-class facility can do a lot for a city.”
The fields are expected to be in use by fall 2015. The first stage of construction will also include six competition-size tennis courts, and plans are being developed for a youth football facility. Later additions to the complex will be determined based on local teams’ needs.
For more, contact the City of Chelsea at 678-8455.