Photo by Kathryn Acree.
0812 Phase I Inverness Greenway
Phase I of the Inverness Community Greenway would run from Valleydale Road along Inverness Parkway to the 77-acre Inverness Nature Park.
The Shelby County Commission started the night with a work session for budget requests.
Commission Chairman Rick Shepherd emailed all elected county officials to let them know about the work session. County Coroner Diana New and Sheriff John Samaniego were the only two who presented.
New requested a new vehicle, Shepherd said, and Samaniego submitted a whole new budget request.
Chief Financial Officer Butch Burbage also went over the projected revenues for the county. Shepherd said these were expected to go up, but expenses were set to go up as well.
In the regular meeting, the commission approved several agreements with ALDOT regarding projects around the county.
One of these projects was the Inverness Community Greenway, which has been discussed for several years. The ALDOT agreement was in regard to Phase I of the project, which will connect the greenway from the Inverness Fire Station to Hoover’s Nature Park.
Chief Development Officer Chad Scroggins said even with this agreement, the project is a long way from beginning. This agreement is in regard to construction easements which require approval of the property owners – both commercial and residential – in the area where the project will take place.
The easements require “permission slips,” Scroggins said, allowing for construction crews to temporarily be on private property.
In other news, the commission:
- Awarded bids for a new dishwasher at the Shelby County Jail and to paint the exterior of the courthouse.
- Approved an alcohol beverage license for Willow and Wine Distinctive Gift Baskets, 13 Olmsted St. in Mt Laurel.
- Approved an agreement with ALDOT and the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program (ATRIP) to resurface Valleydale Road in Helena.
- Approved an agreement with ALDOT and ATRIP to resurface County Road 91 (Coalmont Road) in Helena.