0113 trinity Granger
Keith Granger, CEO of Trinity Medical Center, displays that a significant portion of the HealthSouth building is move-in ready. Photo by Jeff Thompson.
On Nov. 30, the Alabama Court of Civil Appeals unanimously overturned a Circuit Court ruling that impeded Trinity Medical Center from relocating its beds to the HealthSouth building on U.S. 280. The appellate court also reinstated a Certificate of Need Trinity was awarded in 2010.
Despite the decision in the ongoing court battle, Brookwood Medical Center and St. Vincent’s Hospital requested the Court rehear the case against the move. Trinity, according to a release, immediately filed its response.
“Unfortunately, our opponents could still launch a last ditch effort to further delay this important and much needed project,” said James Spann, chair of the Trinity Medical Center Board of Trustees in a statement. “We are confident we will prevail, but we hope our competitors will respect that the courts have spoken and the community has spoken.”