0113 miss merry xmas chelsea
Ninth to 12th grade. Kylie Dutton, third alternate; Emma Franklin, first alternate; Allie Smith, Miss Merry Christmas; Rebecca Johnson, second alternate. Photos courtesy of Bill Miller Photography.
The Chelsea High School journalism department will sponsor the 20th Annual Miss Merry Christmas Pageant on Dec. 14. The pageant is open to all girls who live in Shelby County.
There are five categories: Birth to 4 years old; 5K to second grade; third to fifth grade; sixth to eighth grade; and ninth to 12th grade.
Proceeds are used by the journalism department to purchase technology used in the production of itsmonthly newspaper. Funds from previous pageants have been used to purchase computers, digital cameras, printers and other supplies.
The pageant will be held at 2:30 p.m. at Chelsea High School. There is a $25 entry fee for contestants and a $5 admission fee for attendees. The deadline to register is Dec. 4.
For more information contact Priscilla Collums at pcollums@shelbed.k12.al.us or call 682-7200.