Knot a Problem Massage, 5502 Caldwell Mill Road, has recently opened. It features a full line of professional massages and online scheduling at its location near the intersection of Caldwell Mill Road and Highway 119. 332-1363.
MedSouth Family Care, 201 Doug Baker Blvd., is now open. It offers urgent care and treatment for routine illnesses, medical conditions and injuries. Appointments are not required. 408-3933.
Drake Carroll Interiors, 4213 Dolly Ridge Road, is now open. The store features furniture, décor and unique gifts. 968-8132.
Riffs Barber Shop has opened at 3411 Colonnade Parkway, Suite 17, next door to Black Market Bar. Owner Morgan Gillespie previously worked at Sport Clips at Lee Branch. 587-3246.
Bubbly Clean Baby is now operating on the 280 corridor. Using eco-friendly products, the company sanitizes and cleans children’s car seats and strollers. It will pick up items for cleaning from any school or business on the 280 corridor. 980-4872.