The mayor and council discuss the next steps in the CHS Master Plan during the May 16 precouncil meeting. Photo by Leah Ingram Eag.e
During the precouncil meeting on May 16, the mayor presented the following items to the council and planned to send the information to the Shelby County Board of Education via email and request a meeting to discuss a financial plan to accomplish these goals.
- Bid for Lady Hornets hitting facility- up to $180,000 (bid came in at $174,000)
- Bid for locker room expansion- up to $2.5 million
- Stadium seating and press box- up to $2 million (bid came in at $1.6 million for seating, leaving $400,000 for concrete, electrical, and other items).
- Video board for Chelsea High School $318,789
- Competition gym and multipurpose facility (Pledge 70% of the total cost, with a maximum of $13 million).
A sixth item was to be added requesting the SCBOE to pay the design and architect fees.
Also during pre council, Shane Buchanan, husband of the volleyball booster club president, gave a presentation to the council about the team, their accomplishments and asked the council for funds to purchase an additional four sets of jerseys totaling $6,681.34.
During the regular meeting, the council approved:
- A rezoning request from David Brogdon of Tall Timbers, LLC was approved for property located off County Road 11 consisting of 40 acres to rezone from rural residential (R-R) to planned mixed use district (PMD).
- An application for streetscape improvements on Chesser Drive.
- Closing a bank account for a completed utility improvement project
- Payment of the city’s bills.
- To award funds to CHS for the purchase of a Daktronics video board.
Mayor Tony Picklesimer said he had received some emails that were not in favor of the city paying $318,789 for the board, but said he received many more emails urging the council to approve it.
“When you go out and raise $100,000 of your own money, it speaks volumes to us as a council,” Picklesimer said.
Important dates
May 22: Planning Commission meeting, 6 p.m.
May 29: City Hall closed for Memorial Day
June 2 and 16: City council meetings, 6 p.m.
June 1-July 31: Summer reading at Chelsea Library
July 1: The Big Kaboom. Information at