Screenshot by Leah Ingram Eagle
7/21 Chelsea City Council
Chris Grace, Tony Picklesimer and Cody Sumners at the July 21 Chelsea City Council meeting
Tuesday was the deadline to file to run in Chelsea’s municipal election, and only one person has filed to run against all the incumbents for Chelsea City Council. The mayor’s race is uncontested.
Chris Thomas filed his paperwork on Tuesday and will be running against incumbent Chris Grace for Place 3. The election will be held on Aug. 25.
During Tuesday’s city council meeting, approval was granted to award Nick Grant Funds in the amount of $15,480 for Chromebooks for Chelsea Middle School.
The council also approved a resolution to accept a 2010 Dodge Charger from Shelby County that will be used by the Chelsea COP.
At the next planning commission meeting on July 27 at 6 p.m. there will be a public hearing to discuss the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan that has been in the works for the last year.
“We would like to hear thoughts on the comprehensive plan,” said Mayor Tony Picklesimer. “If you haven’t reviewed the final document, go to to see a copy."
Upcoming events
Aug. 4: City Council meeting
Aug 11: Coffee with the mayor at the Weldon Pavilion. This will be the first event held at the new location at the Highway 11 sports complex.
Aug. 18: City Council meeting.