Commission chairman Kevin Morris and Commissioner Rick Shepherd at the May 8, 2023 meeting of the Shelby County Commission. Photo by Leah Ingram Eagle
An update on several bids was given during the May 8 meeting of the Shelby County Commission.
One should be received later this week regarding a new water services facility in Westover at the location of the current facility, which is no longer open to the public.
“This would move all operations in house under one roof, including the engineering and field personnel,” said County Manager Chad Scroggins. “We’ve been scattered and have been divided for years and think this is a better management structure to make sure everybody’s together.”
This was already a budgeted expenditure for FY23.
Also, the jail expansion bid will open in several months on July 13. Scroggins said the commission is hoping for extremely good numbers on that bid.
The commission approved the purchase of a 14-passenger van for the Heardmont Senior Center. It is one of the senior centers that is not supported by a municipality and the county works to step in and assist those.
Dozens of events are happening throughout Shelby County in May and June, and Scroggins noted that the next two weeks are the busiestof the year for activities.
“It’s a very busy time for Kendall Williams and the [tourism and events] staff and we really appreciate the work they are doing,” Scroggins said.
The county’s website will unveil a new look on May 9. Shelbyal.com will feature a new and updated look and later this month, the Discover Shelby tourism site will go live at discovershelby.com
“They did a really good job with the way it looks,” Scroggins said. “It looks a lot fresher and less governmental and It should serve our residents well.”
Also during the county manager’s report Scroggins also mentioned:
- The legislative session continues to be a busy one. The county is watching things including the grocery tax bill and Simplified Sellers Use Tax (SSUT) that could have an impact on the county’s budget, especially on the revenue side.
“We appreciate our legislative delegation,” he said. “They've worked really hard and they listen to us when we have concerns. We are very thankful for the work they’re doing right now.”
- The budget process for Fiscal Year 2024 has begun.
- A new director for the Birmingham Business Alliance was named last week. Steve Ammons is resigning from the Jefferson County Commission to serve in this role.
“Steve has been in that realm, and he certainly knows the players in the Birmingham region,” Scroggins said. “Kevin [Morris] and I both serve on the BBA board and I think this is a good move because we have someone local who understands the partners and players and understands how to communicate with them. I think Steve will do a great job leading and that’s a good thing for our region.”
- Commissioner Robbie Hayes was recently inducted into the Chelsea High School Hall of Fame and Commissioner Kevin Morris recently received his MBA from the University of Montevallo.
- Prior to the next commission meeting on May 22, the environmental committee will meet to discuss landfill rates, which have not been adjusted since 2009.