Courtesy of King's Home
Christmas Card
This oil painting, created by a Chelsea Middle School student, will be featured on Rep. Gary Palmer's Christmas card this year.
Rep. Gary Palmer recently visited Chelsea to thank a King’s Home resident for her artwork.
Amiya, a 13-year-old Chelsea Middle School student, created the oil painting that will be featured on Palmer’s Christmas card. Her artwork was chosen out of dozens of designs submitted by the children of King’s Home.
Palmer also delivered board games during his visit that will be delivered to each of the homes this Christmas season.
“We were pleased to welcome Congressman Gary Palmer to our facilities today,” said Lew Burdette, CEO of the King’s Home. “It was a special morning to see one of our teenagers, Amiya, meet Mr. Palmer. She recently worked on a school report in her Civics class on his congressional race and she truly enjoyed meeting him in person.”
King’s Home serves youth, women, mothers and children seeking refuge, hope and help from abuse, neglect, abandonment, homelessness and other extreme and difficult circumstances.
The program operates 22 Christian homes in 4 Alabama counties. 100 percent of King’s Home residents have been rendered homeless because of the devastating effects of abuse, domestic violence or impoverished conditions.
Submitted by Sara Franklin