Sunny Gilliam, Diane Hill, Marna McGahan and Marjie Collins reminiscence of their days as airline stewardesses in the 1950s and 60s. Photo by Chandler Jones.
Calling all stewardess, flight attendants and survivors of the pre-1967 requirements for three-inch heels and monthly weigh-ins – Clipped Wings wants you.
Gather to reminisce a time when a airline stewardesses carved meats and served ice cream sundaes, made dinner plans in Indianapolis although they lived in Atlanta and worked just 10 days a month. The organization is welcoming those previously employed with airlines like TWA, National, Western, Delta, United, Eastern, Capital Air and Northwest.
“For me having flown and worked as long as I did with the airline, I was as comfortable there as I am sitting in my living room,” Sunny Gilliam said. “If you knock on my door, I’ve invited you in, and I welcome you as I welcome you on the airplane. I show you to a seat. I offer you something to drink, and I make you comfortable. Then when you get ready to leave, just as you would at my front door, I would say, ‘Thank you for being here. I enjoyed getting to visit you.’”
Gilliam gathers with Diane Hill, Marna McGahan and Marjie Collins – all members of Clipped Wings chapter in the 280 area– and others to talk about memories from the 1950s and 60s in the profession.
They remember when travel dress code was Sunday best and when some of Fidel Castro’s rebels flew for free. All meals were hand delivered, there were no carts like everyone is so familiar with today, tray tables didn’t yet exist, and instead pillows laid in laps to hold food.
The ladies chat about meeting celebrities like Robin Williams, Alfred Hitchcock, Perry Como, Ted Turner, Arnold Palmer, Sandy Koufax, Jaclyn Smith, Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter.
The club is currently planning its 45th anniversary event at the Founders at Greystone Country Club on Friday, Sept. 6 at 6 p.m.
“We would like to an extend an invitation to anyone who has flown any amount of time with an airline and lives in the area,” Gilliam said.
Call Sunny Gilliam at 981-7163 for more information.