0413 Walk me home
Luke, 11, and Mark, 5, were adopted from the foster care system by Charlie and Monika Prewett
Last year, Frank Burder and his wife decided to bring “Walk Me Home,” an awareness fundraiser for foster care, home to Alabama. Slightly fewer than 300 people arrived, making it the single largest walk for fostering in the nation.
This year they plan to make it an event and not just a walk on April 27, Burder said. There will be a 5K run and a 5K walk, with gold, silver and bronze medals awarded to runners in different age groups.
All participants will receive T-shirts, rubber bracelets inscribed with “Walk Me Home,” lapel foster pins, and a blue ribbon to decorate the magnolia trees.
The trees be covered in 5,000 blue ribbons, one for each foster child in Alabama. Along the path, there will be signs about fostering every 100 feet.
These signs will include facts like “there are currently 1,000 children in the foster system.” Guest speakers, live music, craft booths, inflatables and a resource area with information for foster parents and potential foster parents will be part of the event.
The grand finale of the event will be more than 100 Hogs and Harleys arriving with police escort. Children attending will determine the winners and award medals.
Registration, $30, will be 7-8 a.m., and the run will begin at 8 a.m. Proceeds go to foster parents. Burder said it’s impossible to help the child without helping the parents.
Visit firstgiving.com/walkmehome/shelby or email Frank Burder at fhburder@gmail.com.