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Photos courtesy of Cari Dean
Chelsea Homecoming queen 2013
Chelsea High School Homecoming Queen Katie Day is crowned during the Chelsea Hornets’ win over Tarrant.
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Photos courtesy of Cari Dean.
Chelsea Homecoming king 2013
2013 Chelsea High School Homecoming King Robbie Haskins was crowned during the school pep rally.
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Chelsea pep rally 2013 1
Emily Acton, a member of the Chelsea High Dance Team, during the homecoming pep rally.
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Chelsea Homecoming pep rally 2
Emily Acton, a member of the Chelsea High Dance Team, during the homecoming pep rally.
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Chelsea Homecoming game 2013
Chelsea Hornet Taylor Martindale.
Chelsea High celebrated its homecoming in September with a win over Tarrant, 51-18. During the accompanying celebration, the school crowned seniors Robby Haskins and Katie Day Homecoming King and Queen.
Also during Homecoming Week at the school, students and residents were encouraged to give back to their community by donating canned food and non-perishable goods. This year, the school collected 650 cans, which were donated to the Food Bank of Alabama.