0513 Cheyenne Thompson
Cheyenne Thompson
What are your college aspirations?
I’ll be attending The University of Montevallo and majoring in chemistry.
What can aspiring graduates learn from your success?
I’d say to just have a good work ethic. High school isn’t the hardest thing in the world, but it can be tedious. Ask for help along the way and always work hard.
What did you recently learn from someone younger than you?
My younger siblings have taught me resilience. I need time to wind down and relax and they know how to have fun.
What do you remember most about your freshman year at Chelsea?
I remember being surprised about how big all the other upper classmen were.
Who was your most inspirational teacher?
Coach Jason Hill. He taught me chemistry and is a godly man. What stuck out about Coach Hill was how much he believed in everybody no matter what background you had.
What is your studying secret or habit?
Before I study for a big test I like to take about 20 to 30 minutes to read scripture. I was always told that if you give God a portion of your time in scripture, He would take care of you. So that’s been very true for me.
What will walking across the stage mean to you?
I think I’ll start to think about the relationships I’ve made at Chelsea. We are all going our separate ways and I know the friendships are going to change. It’s a little sad, but I’m so happy to have made these memories with my friends for the last four years.