Heather Braswell, Reading Coach at Mt Laurel Elementary, recently received a $2,000 grant from Target to help fund the school’s Lunch Book Clubs.
Lunch Book Club is an organization open to third through fifth grade students. Beginning in October, grade level groups of three to five students meet during lunch to discuss their current book selection. Members are required to read the selection on their own and be prepared to discuss the book during their designated meeting day.
After the book is finished, students make book trailers that will be posted to Braswell’s blog so others can preview the book and decide if it is something they would like to read.
With the grant MLES received from Target, book club selections can be purchased in advance, and copies can be added to the school’s library.
“We are always looking for funding support because we would like to grow the book clubs with the 21st Century standards,” Braswell said. “We would also like to provide students with iPads and a large computer to produce book trailers, as well as have a sidewalk film festival promoting books.”
– Submitted by Mt Laurel Elementary School