IES scarecrow 2013
Students in Jamie Cox’s first-grade class pose with their winning scarecrow.
One sign that fall is here is the appearance of the “scarecrows” outside Inverness Elementary. Each year students at IES create scarecrows that are displayed on the hill in front of the school and are then transported to the Birmingham Zoo to be used as part of Boo at the Zoo.
Each kindergarten through third-grade class comes up with a theme for its scarecrow, and with the help and creativity of devoted parents, the many different ideas take shape. Local businesses sponsor a class scarecrow and the money raised is used to purchase items needed at IES that fall outside the regular budget.
Jamie Cox’s first-grade class was this year’s winner. The class was sponsored by The Brian Campbell Allstate Agency (briancampbellallstate.com). The theme was “Cox’s Colorful Crayons” and was represented by a pumpkin-headed scarecrow with hay hair popping out of a large Crayola-crayon box. The scarecrow’s different colored crayons represented the children in the class.
Scarecrows were moved to the Zoo in October, and IES kindergarten classes took a field trip to view them near the end of the month.
– Submitted by Karly Field