Photos courtesy of Primrose School of Meadowbrook.
Primrose School Reach Out and Read
Primrose students children enjoy having Dr. Maria Meyers and Kate Etheredge come in and read their favorite books to them.
In March, preschoolers at the Primrose School of Meadowbrook helped provide books for local children in need in honor of Read Across America Day.
Dressed in festive hats, the children handed more than 450 books to Dr. Maria Meyers, who accepted them on behalf of Reach Out and Read (reachoutandread.org), a nonprofit committed to promoting early literacy through pediatric primary care.
“Our philosophy and literacy goals at Primrose directly align with Read Across America Day, and it was truly a great day for the community and the entire country to establish a regular reading routine, promote early childhood education and celebrate the power of literacy together,” said Shanna Jones, Director at Primrose School of Meadowbrook.
Also taking part in the festivities was local guest reader Kate Etheredge from North Shelby County Library.
The book donation drive is part of Og’s Bountiful Books, a Primrose reading program designed to encourage parents to read to their children at home and send in favorite books to school to share with their classmates and those in need. “Og” is the official Primrose school bookworm — as well as one of the school’s character development mascots. The Og’s Bountiful Books program is a key part of the Balanced Learning system, which balances academics, play and character development.
– Submitted by Meghan McDonald/Primrose School of Meadowbrook