Photo courtesy of Stonecreek Montessori Academy.
Stonecreek Montessori Academy EGGO My LEGO
Last month’s LEGO regional qualifier at Stonecreek Montessori Academy featured four teams. Stonecreek’s team EGGO My LEGO, pictured, placed second overall, and will be moving on to compete in the state tournament in Huntsville on Jan. 25.
The Stonecreek Montessori Academy LEGO Robotics team, EGGO My LEGO, took second place in last month’s regional qualifier and will compete in the state tournament this month.
On Jan. 25, the team will compete in the statewide FIRST Lego League State Championship in Huntsville. After that stage, teams from various countries will compete in the St. Louis FIRST World Championship in April.
For more, contact Ream Shoreibah at (609) 412-9682 or email rshoreibah@stonecreekmontessori.org. For more on the school, visit stonecreekmontessori.org. Visit alabamafll.org for more information about the Alabama FIRST Lego League.