0613 AOTM christine Haley
Oak Mountain rising senior Christine Haley
The 280 Living Athlete of the Month for June is Oak Mountain High School senior Christine Haley, a standout player on the Oak Mountain Varsity Women’s Lacrosse Team. Christine started all four years for Varsity Eagles lacrosse and served as team captain the past two seasons
In 2013, Christine led the team to a 12-1 season and capped her high school career goal total at 321 – the highest in Alabama history for a single player.
She was recently selected as a first-team U.S. Lacrosse All American at the position of attack, and she was also selected to the first-string Alabama All-Star team at the same position. Both are for achievements on the field, and this was Christine’s fourth year in a row of being selected to both.
Christine is also exceptional off the field. She was projected to graduate with a 4.37 overall GPA at OMHS. While at Oak Mountain, she participated in the following activities and organizations: Peer Assistants; National Honor’s Society; Spanish Honor Society; Mu Alpha Theta; yearbook staff; Student Government Association; and Fellowship of Christian Athletes.
Christine plans to attend Auburn University in August to study pre-physical therapy.
With a 4.37 GPA, what’s your study secret?
Time management and planning ahead for practice and other things that share my time. Also knowing when to move on, because not every subject can be my best subject. If I know a test or quiz is going to be difficult, I make the time to study because the rewards are worth it.
What’s your method for success on the field?
Keeping my head on a swivel! You’ve always got to be looking out for that next big opportunity and be ready at any second to make the play that your team needs. Also, always knowing exactly where you’re going before you get there. Everything’s got to be calculated and 100 percent or it isn’t worth the energy.
When you’re 50 and you look back at yourself as a teenager, what
characteristic will you remember most.
Resilience, almost to a fault. I don’t ever want to sit back and watch, and I can’t stand to leave any unfinished business. I don’t settle, which sometimes makes things difficult. The way I see it, anything worth doing is worth doing 110 percent.
What’s on your iPod?
Country music – especially Tim McGraw, Luke Bryan and Hunter Hayes
If you were given $1,000,000 and forced to spend it in a day, what would you buy?
I would buy a lifetime supply of Moe’s Mexican food and as many golden retriever puppies as I could fit in my house. My parents might not be happy, but I sure would be!