0613 July 4th Mt. Laurel
Uncle Sam leads the Mt Laurel July Fourth Parade last year.Independence Day events 2013
Fourth of July festivities are just around the corner. If you don’t have any plans, below some great options fit for everyone in the family.
The Big Kaboom
July 3, 8 p.m.
Chelsea Park
The seventh annual Chelsea Independence Day celebration, The Big Kaboom, will be held July 3 at the Chelsea Park Subdivision. Beginning at 8 p.m., it will feature performances by local singers and free Pepsi, as well as food vendors serving barbecue, pizza, shaved ice and smoothies. And to put the “boom” in “Kaboom,” Pyro Shows of Tennessee will put on a fireworks show at 9 p.m.
Chelsea Park is located at 2966 County Highway 39. Call 669-9075 for more.
Mt Laurel July Fourth Parade
July 4, 10 a.m.
The Town of Mt Laurel
This year’s attendees of the Mt Laurel July Fourth Parade will watch everything from decorated golf carts, tricycles and bicycles to wagons and dogs. Cahaba Valley Fire Department and Mt Laurel’s resident Uncle Sam will lead the parade.
Attendees are encouraged to dress in Fourth of July attire. The parade ends at Olmsted Park Tot Lot with watermelon for children.
That evening, fireworks for residents begin at approximately 8:30 p.m. at Mt Laurel Spoonwood Lake. The fireworks display will launched from floating dock in the middle of the lake. An ice cream truck will be stationed at the lake to serve children.
Email the Events Crew at MTLaurel_events@yahoo.com for more. The Town of Mt Laurel is located at 5 Mt Laurel Ave.
Independence Day at the American Village
July 4
American Village
Independence Day at the American Village will take you back in time to the first Independence Day. Historical interpreters in full regalia, Revolutionary Army drills, 18th century games and an Independence Ball bring new life into this classic holiday.
Admission is $5, but the event is free for ages 4 and younger, veterans and active military. Gates open at 11 a.m., and events continue through an evening fireworks show.
American Village is located at 3727 Highway 119, Montevallo. Call 665-3535 for more.
Flag Making & Fourth of July Crafts
July 4, 10 a.m.
Oak Mountain State Park
Campground Pavilion
Oak Mountain State Park wants to celebrate Independence Day by honoring those who made it possible. Emily Cook, the state park’s naturalist, will teach a flag making and crafts class under the campground pavilion. She will have materials for anyone that would like to come. Attendees can make a flag and other patriotic crafts, then join the parade to show off the flags.
The pavilion is located at 200 Terrace Drive. Cost is park admission. Call 620-2520 for more.