The Chelsea City Council held its first meeting of 2024 on Jan. 2.
The agenda had five items and the meeting lasted less than 20 minutes.
- Derek Gooden was appointed to the Board of Zoning/ Adjustment as a supernumerary member
- A quote was accepted for roadway improvements on Stanley Drive
- The mayor was authorized to enter into an agreement with Cresendo. Phones at city hall and the community center will be moving to a cloud based system.
- A quote was accepted from Rogue IT.
- The city’s bills were approved to be paid.
Librarian Dana Polk shared that the Friends of the Chelsea Library will be hosting a book sale on Jan. 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the library patio.
Upcoming dates:
Through Jan. 5: Christmas tree recycling drop off at the parking lot on County Road 47 between Liberty Baptist Church and the baseball fields
Jan. 16: Council meeting
Jan. 22: Planning commission meeting at 6 p.m.
Jan. 25: Municipal court
Jan. 31: Deadline for education grants and extra curricular grants
Feb. 6 and 20: Council meetings at 6 p.m.